Happy Valentine's Day!
Just wanted to give everyone out there an update! Madi has been sleeping through the night like a champ! She has gone down the past 2 nights at 9 and slept at minimum for 7 hours! I am so proud of her! We have really been working hard to remain consistent with our bedtime routines to that she can continue to make positive associations with sleeping! The weekend was crazy busy with Jenn's surprise shower (pictures later to come), day in Nashville and brunch with Allen and Jessica, and of course our normal, crazy Sunday festivities! Here are some pictures of the past few days!
It feels really nice to have Mercy only a few months younger than Madi. After Jennifer's shower on Friday night Madi had quite the explosive diaper twice- Once before the shower and once at Ryan & Jennifer's house. So, after using all the outfits we packed we borrowed one of Mercy's sweet sleepers. So cute! We are so excited to welcome Mercy in a just a few short weeks to our family!
Here are some pictures on Saturday morning of Madi waking up in Mercy's sleeper....and in her crib!
And yes, in case you are wondering those are pandas are on her feet. Thanks to a good friend at church, Michele, Madi was welcomed with an adorable Valentine's onesie! I love all the 1st moments that we get to share with Madi this year! Although her AR was really acting up this morning, I still managed to capture a few happy faces while sitting in the bumbo!
My neck is getting stronger and stronger everyday. Mom says before long I'll be sitting up all by myself! |