Thursday, February 10, 2011

so this is what sleep feels like

I have to say, I am one proud momma. Joshua and I have really been inentional with trying to make positive associations for Madi and her crib. At first Madi hated the crib and would scream if we even tried to put her in it, but each day I have been trying to lay her down for naps to see how she responds. Some days Madi will only sleep for 20 or 30 minutes and then she wakes up crying while other days she has slept for an hour or more. After having a pretty awesome night with Ryan and Jenn, Madi was REALLY wound up and VERY overtired. We were convinced she was not going to fall asleep at all. Going through our normal routine of bedtime we tried to put her in the bouncy but she was not having it. Attempt after attempt ended with multiple trips into her room with no success. While Josh was checking his email, I went into the room picked her up and gently rocked her. After only a few minutes her eyes got really tired and she begin to fall asleep. I thought I would change things up (which could either go really good, or really bad) tonight and see if she would sleep in the crib. I put her down gently and she cried for a minute, but after turning on her mobile she stopped crying and layed there very peacefully. I turned around, shut the door, and walked out. The next thing I know it's 6:15 and she's crying for her morning bottle. Wow, a full nights sleep!! I could not believe it when I woke up this morning. I can't remember feeling this rested in a LONG time! I am so, so, so proud of her. It seems like things are beginning to turn around and I am so thankful that she is resting like she needs to, and we all seem to be a little happier around here because of it...

1 comment:

  1. YEAY!!!!! I'm so happy for you, Sam! I know how good that feels! Nothing makes you appreciate long stretches of sleep like losing it for months!
