Wednesday just so happens to be the WORST day of the week. Joshua is gone from 5 in the morning to usually around 11 or 11:30 that night because he works out, goes to work, has Relevant, and then concludes the night with worship practice. So, going a whole day without a break can be extremely exhausting but each week seems to be better and better! We started off our morning by visiting Dr. Shultz for our follow up from last week. We discussed her new medicine- pro's and con's, her weight (10pounds, 7 ounces!), and our options pertaining to formula. Praise God Madi is extremely healthy and her weight is steadily increasing. Tomorrow is going to a big day for us as we go for our test at Gateway and Madi will be 7 weeks old! Holy Cow!! After time with Dr. Shultz we headed over to Jenna's to have some coffee and time with a few of Jenna's friends. It was great to be surrounded by other moms and to be encouraged, all while having a little bit of adult conversation. Madi and I then headed home so that we could rest and then go meet up with Rachel for our nightly run.
But...that did not go as planned. About 20 minutes before we were supposed to head out the door, I decided to play frisbee outside with Molly. Before coming in and loading up little one, I reached down to wipe off Molly's foot and my hand was completely saturated in blood. I'll admit I freaked out for a minute (more like 5) but pulled it together, called the vet, and wrapped up Molly's foot in a kitchen towel. With all the chaos I missed my run with Rachel and ended up staying home to care for Molly. It was an eventful day to say the least, but we made it through another one!
Although it was not our plan to spend the night at home, Madi did spend about 30 minutes on her play pad. I snapped a few good pictures of her playing and smiling with all the gadgets. It truly amazes me how big she is getting each day..
Molly and I spent our morning at the vet getting her foot checked out. Christy watched Madi for me since Molly was a nervous wreck and I knew that it would be way too stressful taking both of them, especially if Molly had to get stitches. Molly was a trooper though! They shaved her foot, washed the infected area, and then gave her a shot! OUCH! Antibiotics for a week and thank goodness it was not deep enough for stitches! Here are a few pictures of pitiful Molly at the vet.
You know as a new mom, people always say "sleep when your child sleeps". This concept was so foreign to me and I could not understand how people managed to get stuff done, EXCEPT while they slept. This past week, I have dropped all my cares and concerns about having everything done in the day and just spent the afternoons napping with Madi- what a beautiful blessing on our relationship. I have been able to appreciate her so much more because I am well rested and not so sleep deprived. The cares and concerns of the house are still there and I managed to get most of my chores done, but it is not huge fiasco if it does not get accompished. Some moments are way more important and time is passing too quickly not to take them in.